Biodiversity News

6172 stories

Ecuador’s next debt-for-nature deal falls short of Indigenous involvement

Nearly 20,000 animals seized in global wildlife trafficking crackdown

Study says land restoration worldwide can be funded with tiny fraction of global GDP

The world’s kelp needs help — less than 2% is highly protected

Birds guide honey-hunters to most of their harvest in Mozambican reserve

In Nepal’s Chitwan, elephant’s shooting, death raises eyebrows

Kenya revives poisoning campaign to curb invasive Indian house crows

Indonesia targets 2.3m hectares of protected forests for food & biofuel crop production

Expected ban on Mexican GM corn fetches praise — and worry over imports

World’s smallest otter makes comeback in Nepal after 185 years

Better government policies could help as migratory birds lose habitat in Bangladesh

Kenya wildfire threatens region of rare wildlife, plant species

Study highlights effects of habitat fragmentation on Sri Lankan specialist birds

Chimps remember, for years, the location of ant nests that provide food

Indigenous knowledge helps explain bird population changes in Canada’s BC

Amazon states lead rebellion on environmental enforcement

How to tell if mangrove restoration is working? Listen to the birds

Agriculture, illegal ranching and roads threaten the jaguar in Mesoamerica

CITES secretariat urges suspension of Cambodian long-tailed macaque trade

The warming Arctic is now a carbon source, report finds

Lures that attract seed-dispersing bats could aid tropical reforestation

Underwater citizen science reveals the specter of ghost fishing in Thailand

How a Nepali border village learned to live with migratory wild elephants

Leopards’ unique ‘sawing’ sounds could aid conservation efforts

To conserve chimps, understand their genetic traits and local adaptations, says study

Increase in gibbon trafficking into India has conservationists worried

Introducing wildlife crime to Nepal’s law enforcement: Interview with Prasanna Yonzon

EUDR divides Brazil’s environmental and agribusiness authorities

Vietnam grapples with ‘alarming popularity’ of online illegal wildlife trade

Digitizing 6 million plant specimens: Interview with Gunter Fischer & Jordan Teisher

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

In Uganda, a women-led reforestation initiative fights flooding, erosion

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