Bears News

96 stories

Sweden’s ‘nature friendly’ reputation is being shot to pieces (commentary)

In 2023, Nepal’s ‘uncelebrated’ wildlife continued wait for attention

No safe space for Nepal’s sloth bears outside protected areas, study finds

Conservationists look to defy gloomy outlook for Borneo’s sun bears

Endangered Formosan black bears caught in Taiwanese ‘snaring crisis’ (commentary)

‘We will decide their future’: Q&A with “pro-bear” environmental journalist Gloria Dickie

Learning to live with — and love — bears and eagles in Colombia’s cloud forest

Montana cannot be trusted with grizzly bear & wolf management (commentary)

Indigenous funding model is a win-win for ecosystems and local economies in Canada

Of Yetis and extinct turtles: Top wildlife discoveries in Nepal in 2022

It’s no Yeti, but Tibetan brown bear’s presence in Nepal is no longer a myth

How bears “make” a forest (commentary)

Enigmatic binturong photographed in Nepal for the first time

With sea ice melting, glacial ice could be a lifeline for polar bears

First Nation reclaims territory by declaring Indigenous protected area in Canada

Lessons from panda conservation could help Asia’s other, overlooked, bears

Tiger and bear rescue spotlights captive wildlife tourism woes in Thailand

The secret bears of Bolivia’s lost dry forests

Arctic biodiversity at risk as world overshoots climate planetary boundary

As predators return to Sweden’s wild, ecotourism looks to change mindsets

The vanishing trails of Sri Lanka’s sloth bears (Commentary)

‘Saving sun bears’: Q&A with book author Sarah Pye

On a mega reserve in Laos, rescued moon bears find a new home

Chinese government reportedly recommending bear bile injections to treat coronavirus

Iran sentences eight conservationists convicted of spying

Camera trap study finds a threatened high-elevation mammal community in Peru

Peru: Get to know the diverse wildlife of the cloud forests of Pampa Hermosa | VIDEOS

Camera traps and customary wisdom help redefine bear conservation

Study finds bears react, then habituate, to drones

Camera traps find rich community of carnivores on Apostle Islands

Asiatic black bear cubs rescued from illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam

Bear-human conflict risks pinpointed amid resurgent bear population

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