Asia News

6101 stories

Cure for cancer, AIDS may be lost with Borneo’s forests says WWF

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

Environmentalists awarded prestigious prize for grassroots work

6 species of frogs discovered in Laos

United States and Indonesia to fight illegal logging

Shahtoosh becomes illegal as Tibetan antelope is protected

Borneo photos

Borneo rainforest protected, oil palm plantation canceled

Home Depot, Lowe’s selling illegal wood from Papua New Guinea-Report

Jungle trekking in Malaysia’s Taman Negara

13 rare rhinos found in Borneo survey by WWF

Malaysia to phase out Borneo logging in parts of Sabah state

Reefs threatened by tsunami reconstruction

Wind turbines could power China says expert

Pictures of new species discovered in New Guinea

World’s smallest fish title in dispute

Picture of the world’s smallest fish

Madagascar establishes new park system to protect lemurs, benefit people

China and India Key to Ecological Future of the World, Says Report

Private industry will embrace green energy says Australian govt

China Faces Water Crisis — 300 million drink unsafe water

Malaysia’s deforestation rate increasing rapidly – 86% jump since 1990s

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Mysterious pygmy elephants being tracked across Borneo by WWF

Dancing monkeys could be a risk to your health

Pandas threatened by roads and forest fragmentation in China

Mysterious carnivore found in Borneo rain forest

U.S. “exporting” carbon emissions to China says study

Climate change means less water for western US by 2050, more for Montana

World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005

ASEAN nations agree to combat the illegal trade in wildlife, plants

China fuels illegal logging in Burma

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