Archive News

1853 stories

As extinction looms, can Javan rhinos survive in Ujung Kulon? (Commentary)

In the Congo Basin, a road cuts through once-untouched ape wilderness

Kenya: Maasai herders work to keep themselves and wildlife roaming free

For the famed chimps of Gombe, human encroachment takes a toll

Nepal, in a bid to create a new rhino population, pauses to take stock

It pays, but does it stay? Hunting in Namibia’s community conservation system

Illegal corn farming menaces a Madagascar protected area

New Species of orangutan threatened from moment of its discovery

Illegal gold mining destroys wetland forest in Madagascar park

What does it take to discover a new great ape species?

‘Beautiful legislation’ fails to protect PNG’s environment, landowners

Tool innovation shows cultural evolution at work among chimpanzees

Butterfly business: Insect farmers help conserve East African forests

Gorilla radio: Sending a conservation message in Nigeria

To tackle great ape trafficking, follow the money, report says

Agroforestry empowers Morocco’s mountain women

For orangutans affected by El Niño, change unfolds over time

Agroforestry helps Tajikistan farmers overcome resource pressures

How Mongabay grew from a guy in his pajamas to a multinational media organization (insider)

New roads for PNG: Path to progress or to environmental devastation?

PNG farmers use agroforestry to fight crop diseases and reduce labor

A Zambian sanctuary finds caring for chimps is a lifetime commitment

Ethiopia: Khat farming threatens food security, biodiversity, women, and agroforestry

‘We see its value’: Ugandan communities benefiting from agroforestry

Seeing Suriname: A visit to the rainforest goes awry (insider)

Agroforestry ‘home gardens’ build community resilience in southern Ethiopia

Photos: Indian tribe revives heirloom seeds for health and climate security

Agroforestry supports food security and conservation in Papua New Guinea

Google searches reveal public interest in conservation is rising

A lucky child: Mongabay’s origin story (insider)

Agroforestry saves soil and boosts livelihoods in Tajikistan

For Javan rhinos, the last holdout may also be a deadly disease hotspot

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