Amphibians News

547 stories

Platform presents unpublished data on Brazilian biodiversity

Actor Juan Pablo Espinosa on the golden dart frog

Slash-and-burn farming eats away at a Madagascar haven for endangered lemurs, frogs

One-hit wonder frog makes a comeback in the southern Philippines

Planned coal-trucking road threatens a forest haven for Sumatran frogs

[Photos] Tiny frog, venomous viper among 20 new species described in Bolivia

Alleged gov’t-linked land grabs threaten Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

Brazilian frog believed ‘extinct’ for 50+ years, found with eDNA testing

Land grab, logging, mining threaten biodiversity haven of Woodlark Island

Stolen from the wild, rare reptiles and amphibians are freely traded in EU

Madagascar giant frog is a new species, but also a deep-fried delicacy

Sri Lanka’s hourglass frog is only an hourglass frog 77% of the time

Brazilian Amazon drained of millions of wild animals by criminal networks: Report

Habitat of newly described frog in Sumatra threatened by oil palms, roads

Can a mine and a community group save the tiny golden mantella frog?

Less than a thousand remain: New list of animals on the brink of extinction

‘Don’t let your cat outside’: Q&A with author Peter Christie

Audio: North America’s looming salamander pandemic: Is the U.S. ready?

Sri Lanka’s marbled rock frog may not be on brink of extinction, modeling suggests

The frog that wasn’t there: Survey shines a light on Uganda’s amphibians

New assessment shows Sri Lanka’s amphibians being pushed to the brink

‘Just incredible’ reptiles and amphibians of South Africa: Q&A with Tyrone Ping

Muduga leaping frog is first new member of its genus found in over a century

Predators disproportionately impacted by human land use changes, study finds

Colombia’s ‘Heart of the World’: Mining, megaprojects overrun indigenous land

Photos: Top 15 new species of 2019

Female golden rocket frogs know a good father when they hear him

Arhuaco community of Colombia allows scientists to photograph ‘lost’ toad

Rapid genetic test traces spread of fungus that kills frogs, reveals new strain in Southeast Asia

New toads named from a Sumatran biodiversity trove that’s under threat

This toad from central Africa impersonates a deadly viper to avoid predators

International wildlife trade sweeps across ‘tree of life,’ study finds

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