Xavier Bartaburu

247 stories

Spix’s macaw returns to Brazil, but is overshadowed by controversy

A new mantis species rises from the ashes of Brazil’s National Museum

On the prowl: Jaguar population rises in Iguazú Falls region

Drones in the canopy: Project aims to save the Amazon with technology

A bloody January for Brazil’s indigenous Kaiowá spotlights persecution

Barrage of mining requests targets Brazil’s isolated indigenous peoples

Making a thriller out of Belo Monte hydro dam: Q&A with filmmaker Sabrina McCormick

Study investigates impact of road deaths on giant anteater population in Cerrado

Chief Raoni, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, presides over historic meeting with over 600 indigenous leaders in Brazil

Xavante tribe digs in as Brazil reneges on vow not to build a road in their reserve

Use it, don’t lose it: Q&A with Amazon eco scientist Marcelino Guedes

Vale has filed hundreds of requests to exploit indigenous lands in Amazon

Fines for Amazon fires may go to indigenous communities under new bill

Conflict in the Chico Mendes Reserve threatens this pioneering Amazonian project

Indigenous artists from the Amazon use art for environmental advocacy

Antonio Donato Nobre: “The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

Women from the Xingu Territory unite against threats from Bolsonaro administration

Extinct in the wild, a Brazilian bird makes a tentative return to the jungle

‘Everything is dying’: Q&A with Brazilian indigenous leader Alessandra Munduruku

Brazil investigates agribusiness bribes to judges for favorable land rulings

Brazil works behind scene to greenlight Manaus-Boa Vista transmission line

In surprise move, Brazil has removed restrictions on Amazon sugarcane production

World’s biggest meatpackers buying cattle from deforesters in Amazon

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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