Sue Palminteri


Sue Palminteri -- Mongabay's wildtech editor, conservation biologist, professional tennis player, and long-time exercise enthusiast -- passed away on November 30th, 2019. She was 54. Sue is greatly missed by her friends, colleagues, and family. Her contributions to conservation were immense.

296 stories

‘Judas’ snakes lead scientists on a high-tech Easter egg hunt for pythons

Lift-off for thermal-imaging system to estimate wildlife populations

Solving the mystery of the UK’s vanishing hen harriers

Virtual Reality 360-degree video: An “empathy-generating machine” for conservation outreach?

Those kicks were fast as lightning: Kangaroo rats evade deadly snake strikes

Virtual reality tool gives viewers the vision of a nocturnal primate

Combining artificial intelligence and citizen science to improve wildlife surveys

AI and drone-based imagery improve power to survey cryptic animals

Genetic test reveals Baltic flounder migration routes and a new species

Something smells fishy: Scientists uncover illegal fishing using shark tracking devices

Reducing human-elephant encounters with calls, texts, and digital signs

The odor side of otters: Tech reveals species’ adaptations to human activity

AI and public data identify fishing behavior to protect hungry seabirds

A snapshot of camera traps reveals user frustrations and hopes

The good luck black cat, revealed by camera traps

Jammin’ at wind farms may help save bats

How do you assess if a reintroduced species is thriving? Listen for it

Tech prize encourages solutions to threats from invasive species

Camera traps and customary wisdom help redefine bear conservation

Study finds bears react, then habituate, to drones

As animal tagging goes cutting-edge, ethical questions abound

A ‘FitBit for squid’ could help track the ocean’s squishier species

New space lasers offer best 3D look at global forests yet

Can satellite data help monitor sustainable rural development?

Drones with thermal cameras help detect camouflaged species

Machine learning tool helps prioritize plants for conservation

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

Drone 3D models help assess risk of turtle nesting beaches to sea level rise

DNA test helps officials spot dodgy shark shipments

Photos highlight evolving roles of AI, citizen science in species research

Hobby-grade drones can monitor marine animals beneath the surface

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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