Sue Palminteri


Sue Palminteri -- Mongabay's wildtech editor, conservation biologist, professional tennis player, and long-time exercise enthusiast -- passed away on November 30th, 2019. She was 54. Sue is greatly missed by her friends, colleagues, and family. Her contributions to conservation were immense.

296 stories

Warriors and wildlife: an interview with Paul Thomson of Ewaso Lions

Send in the droid for a closer look at wildlife

How can conservationists match high-tech design with on-the-ground realities?

Demystifying Drones: UAS’s in Wildlife Anti-Poaching Efforts

Staying connected: the (unequal) global distribution of Internet devices

Advanced Animal Tracker Helps To Explain Big Cat’s Hunting Strategy

Build Your Own RFID

The XyloTron: combating illegal logging in seconds

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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