Sue Palminteri


Sue Palminteri -- Mongabay's wildtech editor, conservation biologist, professional tennis player, and long-time exercise enthusiast -- passed away on November 30th, 2019. She was 54. Sue is greatly missed by her friends, colleagues, and family. Her contributions to conservation were immense.

296 stories

Satellite trackers help fight vultures’ extinction in southern Africa

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

Peru’s Brazil nut harvesters learn to monitor forests with drones

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

Virtual meetup highlights networked sensor technology for parks

In pursuit of the rare bird that vanishes for half the year

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Camera-wielding robot records effects of pesticide on bees’ behavior

Pod-cast: New app streams whale songs for web users in real time

Radar helps Kenya map mangroves and other cloud-covered forests

Speed trap: Cameras help defuse human-cheetah conflict in Botswana

Satellite technology unites Kenyans against bush fires

Hackathon enlightens coders and conservationists alike

AI simplifies statewide study of leopards in south India

How porpoise sounds helped researchers test acoustic devices

The Osa Camera Trap Network: Uniting people to monitor biodiversity

Machine-learning app to fight invasive crop pest in Africa

Stay or go? Understanding a partial seasonal elephant migration

The iNaturalist species data sharing platform reaches one million users

For an Amazon tribe, phone cameras shine a light on their wildlife

Tech prize finalists promote collaboration to fight extinction

Decoding the language of bats key to their conservation

Nepali scientists deploy drones to count endangered crocodiles

Identifying Zika-transmitting mosquito fast, cheaply, and on the go

Managing the data deluge: Twitter as a tool for ecological research

Tiny tags and a broad research network help track small animal movements

Video analysis shows baby birds avoid predators while building strength

Satellites and citizen science pinpoint migratory bird refueling stops

Tagging and tracking the Tour de Turtles

Tracking elephant movements reveals transboundary wildlife corridors

DNA database helps Nepal’s officials monitor tigers, punish poachers

An anti-poaching technology for elephants that is always listening

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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