Genevieve Belmaker

485 stories

Bills before Brazil Congress slammed for rewarding Amazon land grabbers

Beef giant JBS vows to go deforestation-free — 14 years from now

Empowering Indigenous peoples crucial to climate, biodiversity crises: Study

Coffee sustainability check: Q&A with Sjoerd Panhuysen of Coffee Barometer report

Turtle conservation hits the SPOT in North Cyprus

Traditional healers are preserving their knowledge, and with it, the biodiversity of Brazil’s savanna

A new app puts invisible communities in Brazil’s Cerrado on the map

Indigenous rights take a hit under cover of pandemic, new report says

Colombia’s national parks at a crossroads as new director installed

Over half of global environmental defender murders in 2020 in Colombia: report

Declaring key ocean habitats off-limits to human activities protects biodiversity and guards against climate change (commentary)

Women and girls: Let’s transform the ocean by including everyone (commentary)

European farmed salmon sector to use only deforestation-free Brazilian soy

France contributes to protection of Amazon stronghold, Yasuní National Park

Environmental assassinations bad for business, new research shows

Fisheries need to make gender inclusion a norm, not just ‘reach’ women, says Pacific study

For Latin America’s environmental defenders, Escazú Agreement is a voice and a shield

Colombia’s sustainable forestry drive boosts biodiversity and business

Geography on the plate: The culinary rediscovery of Colombia’s biodiversity

Weak policy oversight could be pushing Brazilian forests closer to a tipping point

Colombia’s forests lurch between deforestation and the hope for a sustainable future

Poor governance fuels ‘horrible dynamic’ of deforestation in DRC

In an oil spill’s aftermath in Peru, new voices lead an Indigenous fight for justice

Nazareth Cabrera fights for Colombia’s Indigenous Uitoto with the strength of her words

In the Colombian Amazon, a leader trains her people to save the forest

‘She goes and helps’: Noemí Gualinga, Ecuador’s mother of the jungle

Colombian environmental official assassinated in southern Meta department

Norway bumps rate to protect rainforests amid anticipated U.S. climate return

Sexual harassment rife in Vietnam’s conservation sector, survey reveals

Graphic novel version of classic science memoir aims for new audiences

As energy needs drive demand for minerals, forests face greater threats

Technology innovations look to change the cacao landscape in Colombia

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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