Zoonotic diseases News

172 stories

Crisis in Venezuela: Non-governmental organizations adapt to survive

Global wildlife being decimated by human actions, WWF report warns

Survival of Indigenous communities at risk as Amazon fire season advances

Brazil green recovery plan could boost economy, add jobs, cut emissions: Report

As wild areas become farmland, species that carry diseases flourish

Goldminers overrun Amazon indigenous lands as COVID-19 surges

Anticipated new restrictions on wildlife trade in Vietnam fall short of a ban

On World Tiger Day, let’s recommit to the goal of doubling wild tiger populations by 2022 (commentary)

What funds are needed to prevent another pandemic? Just 2% of COVID-19’s estimated cost

Niobium mining in Brazilian Amazon would cause significant forest loss: Study

Expand conserved areas to boost global economy ravaged by COVID-19: Report

Indonesia identifies rhino to capture for breeding, but will have to wait until next year

Gold priced at $1,700 per ounce brings new gold rush to Brazilian Amazon

COVID-19 halts matchmaking attempt for female Sumatran rhino in Borneo

Indonesia reopens national parks to tourists as COVID-19 cases rise

Brazil’s indigenous hit especially hard by COVID-19: why so vulnerable?

Indonesia resumes release of captive wildlife amid COVID-19

Nature needs cities, and cities need nature (commentary)

Amazon poor go hungry as Brazil slashes social safety net, cuts forests: Study

‘Every time an elder dies, a library is burnt’: Amazon COVID-19 toll grows

Climate conundrum: Could COVID-19 be linked to early Arctic ice melt?

Triple crisis of pipelines, pesticides and pandemic is an existential threat to Ecuador’s indigenous peoples (commentary)

Mystery ailments, asymptomatic individuals: Spotlight on monkeypox in chimps

MRN bauxite mine leaves legacy of pollution, poverty in Brazilian Amazon

Loss, resilience and community amid an outbreak: Q&A with gorilla researcher Magdalena Bermejo

Amazon deforestation gig economy booms despite COVID-19 (Photo Essay)

Offensive against the Amazon: An incontrollable pandemic (commentary)

Poaching in Indonesia’s biodiverse Leuser Ecosystem on the rise amid COVID-19

A new sanctuary for the Sumatran rhino is delayed amid COVID-19 measures

Brazil judge blocks appointment of missionary to indigenous agency

Vietnam wildlife trade ban appears to flounder amid coronavirus success

Coronavirus puts Brazil’s quilombos at risk; will assistance come?

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