Zero deforestation commitments News

312 stories

France falls short in ending deforestation linked to imported soy

As 2020 Amazon fire season winds down, Brazil carbon emissions rise

P&G shareholders vote in landslide to address supply-chain deforestation

Paper giant APRIL linked to Borneo forest clearing despite zero-deforestation vow

Putting sustainability at the center of business strategy: An interview with Paul Polman

‘Deforestation-free’ isn’t working: It’s time to go forest positive (commentary)

Around the world, a fire crisis flares up, fueled by human actions

Just half of major timber and pulp suppliers committed to zero deforestation: Report

Is Malaysia’s CIMB serious about addressing deforestation? (commentary)

FSC slammed for slow probe into deforestation by firms linked to Indonesia’s richest man

International investors urge Brazil to take real action to stop deforestation

It’s time to rein in the industries devouring the world’s last standing forests (commentary)

New bill could legalize ‘land banking’ by Indonesian plantation firms

Feed your neighbor, solve big problems (commentary)

PepsiCo renews sustainable palm oil policy to close supplier loophole

South Korea’s POSCO vows zero deforestation in Papua palm oil operation

Private firms will pay soy farmers not to deforest Brazil’s Cerrado

Cerrado in crisis: One Brazilian farm family commits to sustainable soy

A new dawn: The story of deforestation in the next decade must be different to the last (commentary)

Rainforests in 2020: 10 things to watch

2019: The year rainforests burned

Prompted by Amazon fires, 230 investors warn firms linked to deforestation

Facing a possible Climate Apocalypse: How should we live? (commentary)

Worldwide deforestation rising despite bold commitments, report finds

Private sector could play outsized role in Cerrado conservation: study

Deforestation drops in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, but risks remain: experts

To regulate or not to regulate? EU climate commitments face key test over global deforestation (commentary)

New initiative aims to jump-start stalled drive toward zero deforestation

Cargill rejects Cerrado soy moratorium, pledges $30 million search for ideas

Despite a decade of zero-deforestation vows, forest loss continues: Greenpeace

Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds

Former Brazilian enviro ministers blast Bolsonaro environmental assaults

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