Sensors News

71 stories

‘We’re doing so much with so little’: Interview with WildLabs’ Talia Speaker

Betting on biodiversity: Q&A with Superorganism’s Kevin Webb & Tom Quigley

Origami-inspired sensor platforms tumble like leaves to study forests

Taking the global pulse of biodiversity monitoring: Q&A with Andrew Gonzalez

New Tree Tech: Real-time, long-term, high-tech reforestation monitoring

Air pollution sensors found to store crucial biodiversity data

Tech revolution holds world of promise for conservation, but challenges persist

Camera trap study shows conservation efforts ‘are working’ on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula: Video

LIDAR technology leads Brazilian team to 30 story tall Amazon tree

‘No place to hide’ for illegal fishing fleets as surveillance satellites prepare for lift-off

Baby whale wears a camera, reveals its travel and nursing behavior: video

Conservation tech prize with invasive species focus announces finalists

Lift-off for thermal-imaging system to estimate wildlife populations

Combining artificial intelligence and citizen science to improve wildlife surveys

AI and drone-based imagery improve power to survey cryptic animals

The odor side of otters: Tech reveals species’ adaptations to human activity

The good luck black cat, revealed by camera traps

How do you assess if a reintroduced species is thriving? Listen for it

Study finds bears react, then habituate, to drones

As animal tagging goes cutting-edge, ethical questions abound

New space lasers offer best 3D look at global forests yet

Drones with thermal cameras help detect camouflaged species

Eavesdrop on forest sounds to effectively monitor biodiversity, researchers say

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

Hobby-grade drones can monitor marine animals beneath the surface

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

Peru’s Brazil nut harvesters learn to monitor forests with drones

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

Virtual meetup highlights networked sensor technology for parks

Pod-cast: New app streams whale songs for web users in real time

Speed trap: Cameras help defuse human-cheetah conflict in Botswana

Satellite technology unites Kenyans against bush fires

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