Reptiles News

611 stories

Top 15 species discoveries from 2021 (Photos)

‘Tis the season’ for cold-stunned sea turtles — and their rescue — on Cape Cod

Technology and tradition team up to watch over a sacred island’s sea turtles

Straight outta Borneo: New gecko species just dropped

In a sea of oil palms, even monitor lizards need islands of natural forest

Snapshot of hatchlings raises hopes for Siamese crocs in northeast Cambodia

Sea turtles: Can these great marine migrators navigate rising human threats?

Saving sea turtles in the ‘Anthropause’: Successes and challenges on the beach

Color-changing robo-chameleon showcases promising camouflage tech

Platform presents unpublished data on Brazilian biodiversity

For sea snakes, underwater sex is a washout more often than not

Rare pygmy chameleon, lost to science, found in dwindling Malawi forest

Philippine forest turtles stand a ‘good chance’ after first wild release

Deforestation of endangered wildlife habitat continues to surge in southern Myanmar

Reptile traffickers trawl scientific literature, target newly described species

Time is running out for embattled Pacific leatherback sea turtles

The U.S. reptile most at risk from rising seas is one you likely haven’t heard of

Skin in the game? Reptile leather trade embroils conservation authority

Sea turtles under threat as Indian government weighs development in Andaman Islands

Rare captive-bred crocodiles develop new, ‘odd’ habits in Philippine wild

Deforestation surge threatens endangered species in Tanintharyi, Myanmar

Threats loom large over Amazon’s Arrau turtles, despite record number of hatchlings

Slash-and-burn farming eats away at a Madagascar haven for endangered lemurs, frogs

Newly described chameleon from Madagascar may be world’s smallest reptile

‘Race against time’: Saving the snakes and lizards of Brazil’s Cerrado

Pet trade relies on ‘disposable’ wild chameleons from Madagascar

‘Devastating’ fires engulf Brazilian Pantanal wetlands – again

A chameleon not seen in a century reappears in a Madagascar garden

In mangrove restoration, custom solutions beat one-size-fits-all approach

Tradable by default: Reptile trafficking flourishes amid lack of protection

Singapore embarks on a million-tree planting spree to protect its future

Land grab, logging, mining threaten biodiversity haven of Woodlark Island

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