Ranching News

79 stories

A mobile solution for Kenyan pastoralists’ livestock is a plus for wildlife, too

Rainforest cowboys: Rodeo culture sweeps the Amazon

Illegal settlements, hunting and logging threaten a state reserve in Mexico

Study shows 10 million acres of Colombian rainforest at risk without new policies

3 million hectares of Colombian Amazon deforested for illegal pasture: Study

Deforestation ‘out of control’ in reserve in Brazil’s cattle capital

In Brazil’s Pantanal, early flames signal a ‘new normal’

For traditional peoples in Brazil’s Maranhão state, progress brings violence

Foreign capital powers Brazil’s meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

Efforts bloom to save southern Brazil’s last butiá palm groves

Pasture replaces large tract of intact primary forest in Brazilian protected area

Training on pasture recovery is a win-win for Brazil’s cattle ranchers and forests

‘Rampant forest destruction’ wracks reserve as cattle ranching advances in Brazilian Amazon

Slashed forest protections ignites land grabbing frenzy in Brazilian Amazon

Indigenous lands under siege as buffalo frenzy grips the Amazon

Brazil leads Amazon in forest loss this year, Indigenous and protected areas hold out

Drugs, fire, settlers poised to wipe out one of Paraguay’s most biodiverse forests

Settlers invading, deforesting Colombian national parks ‘at an unstoppable speed’

Drugs and agriculture cause deforestation to skyrocket at Honduran UNESCO site

Guarani Indigenous men brutalized in Brazilian ‘expansion of violence’

No, ‘regenerative ranching’ is not good for grassland birds (commentary)

COVID-19 and rainforest fires set up potential public health crisis

Overlap of fire, COVID-19 peaks: A ‘catastrophe’ for Brazil’s Amazon

Illegal tin mining leaves trail of ruin in protected Brazilian rainforest

Mexico plans huge increase in palm oil production in sensitive ecosystems

Indigenous communities ‘robbed’ as land grabbers lay waste to Brazilian rainforest

Greta and Mesoamerica’s five great forests (commentary)

Colombia registers first drop in deforestation since 2016 FARC peace deal

Investigation reveals illegal cattle ranching in Paraguay’s vanishing Chaco

Peccary’s disappearance foreboding for other Mesoamerican wildlife

Pumas engineer their environment, providing habitat for other species

Honduras aims to save vital wildlife corridor from deforestation

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