Ocean warming News

120 stories

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Electrochemical removal of ocean CO2 offers potential — and concerns

In Mexico, scientists race to save Marietas Islands’ corals from ocean warming

Arctic sea ice hits summer minimum; Antarctic hovers at new winter lows

Inaugural Planetary Health Check finds ocean acidification on the brink

Arctic melt ponds influence sea ice extent each summer — but how much?

As waterbodies lose oxygen, are we breaching a potential planetary boundary?

High-resolution maps reveal surprises about how ice shelves melt

In northern Spain, climate change is killing shellfish — and women’s livelihoods

Indigenous Alaskans drive research in a melting arctic

Marshallese worries span decades — first nuclear tests, now sea-level rise

Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

Report ranks 60+ ideas, including geoengineering, to save the Arctic

‘Our life support system is at risk’: Interview with ‘Her Deepness’ Sylvia Earle

Warming seas push India’s fishers into distant, and more dangerous, waters

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

Panama delays promised relocation of sinking island community

Global coral bleaching now underway looks set to be largest on record

‘Corals dying’ as yet more bleaching hits heat-stressed Great Barrier Reef

The new Arctic: Amid record heat, ecosystems morph and wildlife struggle

Ocean heating breaks record, again, with disastrous outcomes for the planet

Hotter seas lead to coral bleaching along Colombia’s coast, 2023 expeditions find

Java’s crumbling coastline and rising tide swamp jasmine flower trade

2023’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Earth on ‘devastating trajectory’ to global tipping points. But there’s hope.

Salty wells and lost land: Climate and erosion take their toll in Sulawesi

Is ocean iron fertilization back from the dead as a CO₂ removal tool?

Climate refugees? As the sea warms, corals thrive in Japan’s cool waters

Record North Atlantic heat sees phytoplankton decline, fish shift to Arctic

As oceans warm, marine heat waves push deep beneath the surface, study shows

An ‘aquatic moonshot’ in Vietnam aims to fight livestock methane with seaweed

Seaweed: The untapped economic potential for Bangladesh

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