Ocean warming News

120 stories

Ocean deoxygenation could be silently killing coral reefs, scientists say

Great Barrier Reef suffers biggest bleaching event yet

Commitments worth $63 billion pledged for ocean protection

For the Philippines, a warming world means stronger typhoons, fewer fish

‘The Blob’ is back: Pacific heat wave already second-largest in recent history

Hawaii braces for potential mass-coral bleaching event

Guns, Corals and Steel: Are Nuclear Shipwrecks a Biodiversity Hotspot?

Global analysis of coral bleaching finds equatorial reefs less impacted by ocean warming

‘Managed resilience’ not a successful strategy for conserving coral reefs, researchers find

Deadly disease and warming ocean are wiping out a key starfish species

Warmer waters shrink krill habitat around Antarctica

Climate change is making waves stronger and putting coastlines at risk

Ocean warming projected to accelerate more than four-fold over next 60 years: Study

Protecting India’s fishing villages: Q&A with ‘maptivist’ Saravanan

$10bn pledged in new commitments to protect the world’s oceans

Deep reefs were not spared by 2016 mass bleaching event on Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is losing its ability to bounce back from disturbances

Super plane, satellites help map the Caribbean’s hidden coral reefs

Noisy reefs help young fish find their home

Global warming, pollution supersize the oceans’ oxygen-depleted dead zones

Capturing the wonder and vulnerability of coral reefs in real-time: Q & A with the director of “Chasing Coral”

Climate change may be choking the ocean’s oxygen supply, study shows

Economic impacts of climate change on global fisheries could be worse than we thought

Ocean warming is “greatest hidden challenge of our generation,” according to IUCN

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