Nepal News

304 stories

Red pandas may be threatened by small-scale trade

Authorities confiscated over 1000 tigers in past decade

Massive forest loss spurs Nepal to ban logging for two months

National parks in India and Nepal hit by rhino poachers

In midst of poaching crisis, illegal rhino horn tops gold

Nations vulnerable to global warming present demands: carbon levels below 350ppm and billions in aid

Apple’s Snow Leopard helps real-life cats

Photos: hundreds of new species discovered in Himalayan region, threatened by climate change

Rhino poaching rises sharply due to Asian demand for horns

UN: Population growth rates fall to 1.1 percent in Asia-Pacific

How to Save Snow Leopards

14 countries win REDD funding to protect tropical forests

Nepal’s tiger population plummets due to poaching

Asia’s tigers could get big boost from small conservation efforts

conservationists killed in Nepal helicopter crash

Why some Himalayan glaciers aren’t melting due to climate change

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