Medicinal plants News

96 stories

Hutan Hujan Australia Hasilkan Kemungkinan Pembunuh Kanker

Ketika alam selamatkan nyawa Anda

Australian rainforest plant yields possible cancer killer

When nature saves your life

Taking back the rainforest: Indians in Colombia govern 100,000 square miles of territory

Cochabamba Climate Conference: the Coca Contradiction

How rainforest shamans treat disease

Research into drugs derived from natural products declining

Anti-HIV and anti-cancer drugs derived from Borneo rainforest progressing to final development stages

Traditional practices contribute to conservation of medicinal plants

Tropical forest tree is source of new mosquito repellent as effective as DEET

IP laws not helping indigenous people protect traditional knowledge (repost)

An interview a shaman in the Amazon rainforest

Colorful insects help search for anti-cancer drugs

Colombia creates rainforest reserve to protect medicinal plants

Amazon conservation Team wins “Innovation in conservation Award” for path-breaking work with Amazon tribes

A comprehensive look at the use of animals in Brazilian medicine

Amazon rainforest children to get medicinal plant training from shamans

7-year old nature guide becomes Belize environmental hero as adult

Intellectual property rights reach indigenous communities in the Amazon

70% of new drugs come from Mother Nature

Madagascar plant may offer new treatment for malaria

Indians are key to rainforest conservation efforts says renowned ethnobotanist

Mushroom Extract May Help Fight Infection, Cancer

Secrets of hallucinogenic mushrooms uncovered by scientists

Documentary explores Borneo for possible anti-HIV medicine

Cure for cancer, AIDS may be lost with Borneo’s forests says WWF

Medicinal value of chocolate explored by scientists

Medicinal Plants could help poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa — World Bank report

Anti-HIV drug from rainforest almost lost before its discovery

Medicinal plants explored at Conservatory of Flowers

How did rainforest shamans gain their boundless knowledge on medicinal plants?

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