Marine crisis News

361 stories

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Electrochemical removal of ocean CO2 offers potential — and concerns

‘Shifting baselines’ in Cabo Verde after 50 years of declining fish stocks

After historic 2024 coral bleaching, hope remains for Mesoamerican Reef

Leaders fail to address overfishing near Europe at ‘fraught’ international meeting

India advances deep-sea mining technology in the Andaman Sea

Mapping ‘gloop and mud’ sheds light on seabed carbon storage

Coral biodiversity hotspot at risk from fossil fuel expansion, report warns

More krill fishing and no new protected areas for Antarctic seas after latest talks

Protecting coral reefs boosts fish numbers by 10%: Study

Norway poised to sail past opposition with deep-sea mining licensing plans

Lab-grown corals resisted bleaching during Caribbean’s worst marine heat wave

The ocean ‘belongs to all of us’: Interview with Palau President Whipps

Six months after first Houthi ship sinking, attacks slick Red Sea with oil

Not merely ‘exploration’: PNG deep-sea mining riles critics & surprises officials

$35m debt-for-nature deal aims to protect Indonesia’s coral reefs

‘Trust needs to be rebuilt’: Interview with candidate to head U.N. seabed-mining authority

‘It is indeed our problem’: Interview with Mário Soares on Brazil’s mangroves

In northern Spain, climate change is killing shellfish — and women’s livelihoods

New approach to restore coral reefs on mass scale kicks off in Hawai‘i

Efforts to save Cambodia’s coast tread water as fish stocks plummet

Fishers left with no land, no fish, in fire sale of Cambodian coast

Small-scale fishers lose out to trawlers in race to catch Cambodia’s last fish

As catches fall, Sierra Leone’s artisanal fishers turn to destructive practices

As plastic talks wrap up in Canada, fishers in Indonesia count the costs

Fishing by dodgy fleets hurts economies, jobs in developing countries: Report

No protection from bottom trawling for seamount chain in northern Pacific

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

Global coral bleaching now underway looks set to be largest on record

Deep-sea mining’s future still murky as negotiations end on mixed note

Japan prepares to mine its deep seabed by decade’s end

Communities worry anew as PNG revives seabed mining plans

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