Great barrier reef News

41 stories

Global coral bleaching now underway looks set to be largest on record

‘Corals dying’ as yet more bleaching hits heat-stressed Great Barrier Reef

NGOs block gillnet fishing across 100,000 sq km of Great Barrier Reef

Safe havens for coral reefs will disappear as oceans warm, study says

Seagrass-grazing dugongs and green sea turtles supercharge the seeds they eat

Great Barrier Reef in danger: Don’t fight the diagnosis, fight the threats (commentary)

A mountain of a reef, taller than the Eiffel Tower, found on Great Barrier Reef

As reef bleaching intensifies, lab-grown corals could help beat the heat

Coral reef loss helps some fish grow bigger, but perhaps not for long

Great Barrier Reef suffers biggest bleaching event yet

Protecting living corals could help defend the Great Barrier Reef from ocean acidification for decades

Models, maps, and citizen scientists working to save the Great Barrier Reef

2018’s top 10 ocean news stories (commentary)

Deep reefs were not spared by 2016 mass bleaching event on Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is losing its ability to bounce back from disturbances

A global coral reef monitoring system is coming soon

Australia to invest $379 million to protect the Great Barrier Reef

DJ and ornithologists create wildlife music game

Reef bleaching five times more frequent now than in the 1980s, study finds

Trending tree cover loss spikes again in Queensland

Climate change-induced bleaching decimating Great Barrier Reef

Top 10 stories you should be aware of this World Oceans Day, according to Carl Safina

Saving reef fish from the impacts of a hit film

Biodiversity makes reef fish more resilient in the face of climate change, research confirms

Global coral bleaching event hits Australia’s Great Barrier Reef hard

Good news! Some corals show surprising resilience to ocean acidification

Conservationists to send killer robots after destructive starfish

Snail scent repels starfish; may protect coral and Great Barrier Reef

Microplastic pollution a possible threat to Great Barrier Reef coral

Does fishing make corals sick?

Australia cancels plan to dump dredge in Great Barrier Reef

Scientists blast Australian government’s moves to dismantle environmental protections

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