Grasslands News

182 stories

Exploring Asia’s lost world

Scientists unlock indigenous secret to sustainable agriculture in the Amazon’s savannas

Conserving Ecuador’s Paramos, the alpine tundra ecosystem of the Andes

Volcano and cloud forests conserved in Ecuador

New eco-tour to help save bizarre antelope in ‘forgotten’ region

From the Serengeti to Lake Natron: is the Tanzanian government aiming to destroy its wildlife and lands?

Conversion of Brazil’s cerrado slows

Serengeti road project opposed by ‘powerful’ tour company lobby

Foreign big agriculture threatens world’s second largest wildlife migration

First International Serengeti Day hopes to halt road project

Complaint lodged at FSC for plantations killing baboons

New plan underway to save South America’s migratory grassland birds

Brazil’s cerrado wins protection, but will it be enough to save the wildlife-rich grassland?

U.S. signs debt-for-nature swap with Brazil to protect forests

Photo: monster worm is less than a monster

Vlad the Impaler of the bird world now at Bronx Zoo: skewers prey on thorns and barbed wire

Emissions from cerrado destruction in Brazil equal to emissions from Amazon deforestation

Brazil to step up efforts to save the cerrado grassland

Degraded grasslands better option for palm oil production relative to rainforests, finds study

Biofuels can reduce emissions, but not when grown in place of rainforests

Some grasslands resilient against climate change, according to 13 year study

U.S. grazing lands at risk due to rising CO2 levels

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