Gorillas News

219 stories

Armed conflict, not Batwa people, at heart of Grauer’s gorillas’ past decline in DRC park

Monitoring group cracks down on deforestation in Cameroon gorilla sanctuary

WWF report offers glimmer of conservation hope — yet warns of a planet in peril

Indigenous knowledge proves key in a study of plants gorillas use to self-medicate

Gorilla permit fraud dents community-led conservation efforts in Uganda

Elephants invade as habitat loss soars in Nigerian forest reserve

Camera trap images of rare gorillas with infants bring hope in DRC

Mountain gorilla reproduction slows with female transfers, study shows

Study highlights ‘friends with benefits’ relation between gorillas and chimps

Thai zoos come under scrutiny again as tourism rebounds from COVID-19

Study highlights elusive Cameroonian gorillas, and the threats encircling them

Road projects threaten integrity of Uganda’s mountain gorilla stronghold

Saving Nigeria’s gorillas was also meant to help communities. It hasn’t (analysis).

Call for COVID rules that reduced infections in gorilla parks to remain

Deadly raids are latest case of abuse against Indigenous Batwa in DRC park, groups say

Lockdown underscores Uganda’s overreliance on tourism to fund conservation

Uganda’s ‘Dr. Gladys’ honored by U.N. for work linking conservation and health

For world’s rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

In rural Nigeria, the magic of cinema builds support for ape conservation

Deforestation soars in Nigeria’s gorilla habitat: ‘We are running out of time’

On Nigeria-Cameroon border, joint patrols throw a lifeline to threatened apes

COVID could wreak havoc on gorillas, but they social distance better than we do

High risk, low pay for DRC rangers entrusted to guard a gorilla sanctuary

Gorilla baby boom sparks hope in DRC, but threats to great apes persist

‘Acts of poaching and other crimes’: Cameroon plans a new road in Lobéké National Park

Causes for celebration, and concern, on World Gorilla Day

For World Gorilla Day 2021, a conservation success story

Domestic bushmeat consumption an “urgent” threat to migratory mammals, U.N. says

For Africa’s great apes, even ‘best-case’ climate change will decimate habitat

Overcoming community-conservation conflict: Q&A with Dominique Bikaba

In DRC, community ownership of forests helps guard the Grauer’s gorilla

New survey nearly doubles Grauer’s gorilla population, but threats remain

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