Ethanol News

110 stories

Air travel may be powered by biofuels in 3-5 years

Cellulosic biofuels endanger old-growth forests in the southern U.S.

U.S. needs environmental standards for biofuels

11 species of monkeys discovered in West African biodiversity hotspot

Europe cuts biofuel targets to 4% in 2015, 6% in 2020

Republicans backtrack, call for end to ethanol requirements in gas

Biofuels 200 times more expensive than forest conservation for global warming mitigation

Biofuel production in Brazil may not hurt Amazon, food supply

Climate change to hurt Brazil’s farm exports by 2020

Brazil may ban new sugar cane cultivation in the Pantanal

Future threats to the Amazon rainforest

Facing criticism, biofuels industry forms new lobby group to influence lawmakers

Biofuels can reduce emissions, but not when grown in place of rainforests

Beyond high food prices, little to show for $11B/yr in biofuel support, says OECD report

Using farm waste for ethanol may hurt crop yields in some areas

Britain urges ‘cautious approach’ on biofuels

Clean energy gold rush in 2007

Brazil fines 24 ethanol producers for illegal forest clearing

Louisiana signs non-corn ethanol law to produce a better biofuel

Brazil signs sustainable ethanol deal with Sweden

Kenya to convert 20,000 ha of key wetland for ethanol production

Biofuel production on abandoned lands could meet 8% of global energy needs

U.S. may allow corn farming on conservation land

Nestle Chairman: Biofuels are “ethically indefensible”

Biofuels expansion in Africa may impact rainforests, wetlands

Next gen biofuels could decimate rainforests

Global ban on biofuels would lead to immediate decline in food prices

46% of Brazil’s energy comes from renewable sources

Amazon soy ban seems to be effective in reducing explicit deforestation

Cellulosic energy may trigger dramatic collapse in the Amazon

Corn ethanol is worsening the Gulf dead zone

Half the Amazon rainforest will be lost within 20 years

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