Economy News

293 stories

Planet organic: achieving sustainable food security and environmental gains

A New Blueprint for a Green Economy – book review

Investors beware: global land grabbing ends in ‘financial damage’ and human rights violations

Head of IMF: climate change is ‘the greatest economic challenge of the 21st century’

Lean Design Management: Applications to Natural Resource Management

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Local and Regional Policy – a book review

A second look at ‘Fewer, Richer, Greener: The End of the Population Explosion and the Future for Investors’

Paradigm shift needed to avert global environmental collapse, according to author of new book The Blueprint: Averting Global Collapse

World has lost half its wetlands

Investors shouldn’t ignore financial risk of environmental damage

Legislation leaves future of world’s largest temperate rainforest up in the air

Mr. Jeremy Grantham and Extreme Weather and The Financial Markets: Opportunities in Commodities and Futures

Good Derivatives: A Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation – Book Review

How to see the forest for the trees: new textbook helps to craft a global understanding of forest economics for all stakeholders

Tanzania weighs new soda ash plant in prime flamingo territory

Over 100,000 farmers squatting in Sumatran park to grow coffee

Will we need to pull carbon out of the atmosphere to save ourselves?

One in eight people suffer from malnutrition worldwide

First REDD Textbook – Forest and Climate Change: The Social Dimensions of REDD in Latin America – Book Review

United States ranks near bottom on first ever energy efficiency scorecard

Guyana rainforests secure trust fund

Saving ‘Avatar Grove’: the battle to preserve old-growth forests in British Columbia

Experts: sustainable logging in rainforests impossible

Climate change increased the probability of Texas drought, African famine, and other extreme weather

Wealthy consumption threatens species in developing countries

Agricultural area larger than Texas has been ‘land-grabbed’

Rio+20 and economic perils in Europe: opportunity for linkage

Ten African nations pledge to transform their economies to take nature into account

Scientists: if we don’t act now we’re screwed

Want to stop climate change: buy fossil fuel deposits

Massive economic growth does little for happiness in China

Charting a new environmental course in China

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