Degraded lands News

198 stories

From teak farms to agroforestry: Panama tests reforestation strategies

From humble roots, a restoration plan in Brazil aims for 1.5m hectares of forest

Pay or punish? Study looks at how to engage with farmers deforesting the Cerrado

Illegal mining fuels social conflict in Indonesian tin hub of Bangka-Belitung

ReconAfrica pushes ahead with Namibia oil exploration amid claims of violations

Malaysian officials dampen prospects for giant, secret carbon deal in Sabah

‘We should be pretty concerned’: Study shows only 15% of coastal regions still intact

Sinkholes emerge in rural Kenya after series of floods, droughts

Indigenous leader sues over Borneo natural capital deal

Barrage of droughts weakens Amazon’s capacity to bounce back, study finds

Indonesian peat restoration has more benefits than it costs, study finds

Hold the tree planting: Protect ecosystems first for maximum carbon storage, study says

An unlikely safari in Brazil is helping save the Pantanal’s jaguars

Legal challenge to South Africa mine expansion looks to set new landmark

Bornean communities locked into 2-million-hectare carbon deal they don’t know about

Under Bolsonaro, Indigenous Yanomami see surge in child malnutrition deaths

Brazil’s Indigenous Xavante strangled by agribusiness, slammed by COVID-19

Indigenous guides warn of repercussions if we don’t fix our relationship with nature

‘Unequal exchange’ for Brazil community in shadow of Anglo American mine

An environmental ‘catastrophe’ in Southern Africa lingers with few answers

Rich countries may be buying illegal gold that’s driving Amazon destruction

Toxic spill at Angola diamond mine pollutes Congo River tributary in DRC

Half of burned forests across Latin America don’t survive, study finds

End of deforestation tracker for Brazil’s Cerrado an ‘incalculable loss’

Mexico devises revolutionary method to reverse semiarid land degradation

Cerrado desertification: Savanna could collapse within 30 years, says study

Tin mines close in on an Indonesian hamlet still clinging to nature

Illegal miners fire shots, burn homes in Munduruku Indigenous Reserve

Specter of tailings disaster looms after spill at Canadian firm’s Brazil mine

As Brazil’s military pulls out of the Amazon, its legacy is in question

Persistence of slave labor exposes lawlessness of Amazon gold mines

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

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