Critically endangered species News

987 stories

Illegal trade is pushing Bangladesh’s freshwater turtles to the brink

Nigeria’s new coastal highway runs over communities & biodiversity hotspots

Scientists unveil potential new pangolin species, highlighting conservation challenges

Survey uncovers ‘wildlife treasure’ in Cambodian park — but also signs of threats

How tortoise conservationist Hery Razafimamonjiraibe manages risks to antipoaching teams

Latin America in 2024: politics, turmoil and hope

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Armed conflict, not Batwa people, at heart of Grauer’s gorillas’ past decline in DRC park

Study looks for success factors in African projects that heal land and help people

Vietnam’s mammals need conservation within and outside their range: Study

Clouded leopard sighting raises questions about conservation and research in Bangladesh

Namibian conservancies fight to block mining threat to rhinos

Satellite data show bursts of deforestation continue in Indonesian national park

New transmission lines cut a Cambodian rainforest sanctuary in half

Logging persists in Cameroon’s wildlife-rich Ebo Forest despite warnings

Camera traps reveal little-known Sumatran tiger forests need better protection

A key driver of decline, can wild orchid collectors change their ways?

As Venezuela’s crisis rolls on, its wildlife is increasingly at risk

Study finds bonobos more diverse, and more vulnerable, than previously thought

Conservationists mobilize to save Sierra Leone national park and its chimpanzees

With rare mammal tourism, observing means conserving (commentary)

Langurs in Bangladesh face extinction as hybridization between species escalates

The tribal leader dedicating his life to protect Philippine’s critically-endangered national bird

Poll shows voters agree next U.S. President must do more for wildlife and conservation (commentary)

Hooded vultures in Ghana and South Africa on the brink, study says

Successful Thai community-based hornbill conservation faces uncertain future

Wildlife busts in Malaysia’s Taman Negara show progress, and gaps, in enforcement

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Time to highlight South Asia’s less-studied vultures: Interview with Krishna Bhusal

Sumatran tiger confirmed killed by snare in Indonesia’s West Sumatra province

In Brazil’s Amazon, land invasions — and fires — threaten a protected reserve

Javan rhino poaching saga reveals serious security lapse

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