Coronavirus News

124 stories

Lockdown allowed illegal fishing to spike in Philippines, satellite data suggest

MRN bauxite mine leaves legacy of pollution, poverty in Brazilian Amazon

Loss, resilience and community amid an outbreak: Q&A with gorilla researcher Magdalena Bermejo

Amazon deforestation gig economy booms despite COVID-19 (Photo Essay)

Offensive against the Amazon: An incontrollable pandemic (commentary)

Brazil judge blocks appointment of missionary to indigenous agency

As lockdown ends, activists brace to resume fight over Manila Bay reclamation

Vietnam wildlife trade ban appears to flounder amid coronavirus success

Deaths, arrests and protests as Philippines re-emerges from lockdown

Coronavirus puts Brazil’s quilombos at risk; will assistance come?

From crisis to solutions for communities and African conservation (commentary)

A Philippine island locked down, but its mine didn’t — and infections mounted

Indigenous COVID-19 cases top 500, danger mapped in Brazil agricultural hub

A Philippine village on lockdown delivers nearly 300 turtle hatchlings to sea

Amazon indigenous leader: Our survival is at stake. You can help (commentary)

New bill could legalize ‘land banking’ by Indonesian plantation firms

Pandemic lockdown gives Philippine province time to rethink planned split-up

Get sick or go hungry? Workers face dilemma at Freeport’s Grasberg mine

For Philippine farmers reeling from disasters, lockdown is another pain point

Feed your neighbor, solve big problems (commentary)

Jane Goodall: COVID-19 is a product of our unhealthy relationship with animals and the environment (commentary)

No tourism income, but this Philippine community still guards its environment

Healing the world through ‘radical listening’: Q&A with Dr. Kinari Webb

For world’s rarest great ape, COVID-19 is latest in a litany of threats

Farmer dies in custody after being charged in dispute with palm oil firm, prompting COVID-19 fears

As wildlife tourism grounds to a halt, who will pay for the conservation of nature?

Forest fires in Indonesia set to add toxic haze to COVID-19 woes

COVID underscores the urgency of holistic community-based approaches to conservation (commentary)

Rapid deforestation of Brazilian Amazon could bring next pandemic: Experts

Land conflicts escalate with spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia

For great apes at risk of infection, COVID-19 is also an economic threat

Colombian indigenous groups rush to protect elders, leaders from COVID-19

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