Cites News

128 stories

Increase in gibbon trafficking into India has conservationists worried

China’s plans to trace wildlife trade risks inflaming trafficking, critics warn

‘Senseless’ U.S. trinket trade threatens distinctive Asian bat, study shows

CITES suspends Bangladesh as illegal wild bird trade continues

Madagascar lemurs, tortoises seized in Thai bust reveal reach of wildlife trafficking

Impunity for Cambodia’s exotic pet owners as trade outpaces legislation

EU’s legal loophole feeds gray market for world’s rarest parrot

Study: More than 900 at-risk species lack international trade protections

New protections for sharks, songbirds, frogs and more at CITES trade summit

Will CITES finally act to protect rosewood this month? (commentary)

Experts fear end of vaquitas after green light for export of captive-bred totoaba fish

Study shines light, and raises alarm, over online trade of West African birds

Mahogany, a pillar of the rainforest, needs support (commentary)

Year of the Tiger: Illegal trade thrives amid efforts to save wild tigers

Madagascar’s insistence on using seized rosewood rattles conservationists

Record seizures mark Sri Lanka’s rise as a smuggling hub for star tortoises

New study highlights hidden scale of U.S. illegal tiger trade

Greater Mekong primates struggle to cling on amid persistent threats: Report

Tiger farms doing little to end wild poaching, Vietnam consumer study shows

Kenya court orders return of $13m in seized rosewood to suspected traffickers

Want a wild bird on the hush-hush in Singapore? There’s a Facebook group for that

For Mekong officials fighting timber traffickers, a chance to level up

Wildlife trade hub Vietnam is also hub of impunity for traffickers, report says

Chinese special economic zones hotspots for wildlife trafficking, surveys say

Wealth inequality fuels flow of wildlife from poor countries to rich: Study

Nigeria emerges as Africa’s primary export hub for ivory, pangolin scales

Pet trade relies on ‘disposable’ wild chameleons from Madagascar

Madagascar moves to reopen domestic trade in non-precious timber

Tradable by default: Reptile trafficking flourishes amid lack of protection

China still making pangolin-based treatments despite banning use of scales, report says

Stolen from the wild, rare reptiles and amphibians are freely traded in EU

Mercury with that? Shark fins served with illegal doses of heavy metals

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