Chinas environmental problems News

170 stories

China’s emissions growth 2-4 times greater than expected

China bans plastic bags

Extremely high levels of mercury and arsenic found in Chinese lake

Can China Go Green?

China’s coal pollutes the U.S.

China struggles with urban pollution

China to spend $14.4 billion clean up polluted lake

Rare Chinese river dolphin sighting in doubt

“Extinct” baiji river dolphin spotted alive in China

Environmental, safety concerns mount over China’s Three Gorges Dam

China to miss pollution goals for 2007

U.S. firms driving pollution in China

Extinction of the Yangtze river dolphin is confirmed

China’s wetlands shrinking due to global warming

China will not commit to CO2 limits

760,000 Chinese a year die from pollution

China finds 7.5 billion barrel oilfield

Chinese traffic restrictions rapidly result in cleaner air

China to spend $2.1B to protect wetlands

Damage to Yangtze ‘irreversible’ says China

The news of extinction: western media’s response to the demise of the Baiji

China may top U.S. in greenhouse gas emissions in 2007

China misses pollution targets

China launches green buying policy

China will continue search for ‘extinct’ baiji river dolphin

Goodbye to the Baiji

Groundwater supplies polluted in 90% of cities in China

Chinese river dolphin nearly extinct says official

China may surpass U.S. in carbon dioxide emissions by 2009

Population of bizarre Mongolian antelope plunges 95% in 15 years

China makes environmental moves as problems mount

Acid rain affects one-third of China

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