Chinas demand for resources News

291 stories

Report: Illegal fishing and labor abuse rampant in China’s Indian Ocean fleet

Ecuador-China free trade agreement poses serious environmental risks, critics say

Chinese gold miners ‘illegally’ tearing up Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Biden can tip the (pangolin) scales on China’s illegal wildlife trade (commentary)

Despite billions tied to clean supply chains, China’s Cofco still turns to deforesters

Sulawesi nickel plant coats nearby homes in toxic dust

Analysts point to logging and mining to explain Solomon Islands unrest

There is no climate solution without China and America, says Li Shuo

Geopolitical standoff in South China Sea leads to environmental fallout

China’s efforts to accommodate ‘wandering elephants’ is overshadowed by its conflict with elephants elsewhere (commentary)

Wildlife trafficking, like everything else, has gone online during COVID-19

‘I never give up’: Q&A with Chinese environmental lawyer Jingjing Zhang

Chinese ‘fishing fleet’ anchored on Philippine reef raises tensions

Amid South China Sea dispute, Philippines’ Palawan is besieged by political split

In the fight to save the vaquita, conservationists take on cartels

Traditional and Indigenous peoples ‘denounce’ planned Amazon railway

Multiplying Amazon river ports open new Brazil-to-China commodities routes

Could China become a partner in Galapagos marine conservation? Yolanda Kakabadse thinks so

Landed by the thousands: Overfished Congo waters put endangered sharks at risk

Risking death and arrest, Madagascar fishers chase dwindling sea cucumbers

Gray areas and weak policies mar lucrative Asian trade in live reef fish

‘Saving sun bears’: Q&A with book author Sarah Pye

Did China really ban the pangolin trade? Not quite, investigators say

China offers buyouts to wildlife farmers in response to pandemic

The wildlife trade threatens people and animals alike (commentary)

Nearly extinct vaquita mothers with calves spotted in recent expeditions

China, EU are importing soybeans from unregistered Brazil farms: report

’Rampant’ fishing continues as vaquita numbers dwindle

As Bolsonaro meets with Xi, China silent on Brazil environmental crisis

New film details wrenching impact of illegal rhino horn trade on families

Conservation groups concerned as WHO recognizes traditional Chinese medicine

Former Brazilian enviro ministers blast Bolsonaro environmental assaults

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