Cats News

563 stories

Cheetah population declines 90% in 100 years

‘Snow leopard’ of the Andes is one of the world’s most endangered cats

Indonesian raids on tiger traffickers yielding arrests in Sumatra

Often overlooked, small wild cats are important and in trouble

Birds face higher risk of extinction than conventionally thought

Chinese prefer tigers in the wild over tigers on their plates

Nepal’s tiger population plummets due to poaching

Lion die-offs in Africa linked to global warming

Saving the world’s most recently discovered cat species in Borneo

Africa’s lions are disappearing

India has 1400 tigers — not 3500

Can snow leopards be saved?

5,000 mile-long tiger corridor proposed

Sumatran tiger faces extinction due to wildlife trade

Border fence may drive largest American cat to extinction

Male lion licking a female’s head

Thailand’s forests could support 2,000 tigers

Saving tigers in India

Asia’s tigers could get big boost from small conservation efforts

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