Aquaculture News

113 stories

Efficient aquaculture needed for food security, particularly in Asia

Vanishing mangroves are carbon sequestration powerhouses

A slow comeback for the endangered Eurasian otter in France

Target stops sales of farm-raised salmon, citing environmental concerns

Huge demand for omega-3 fatty acids depleting oceans worldwide for aquaculture

Indigenous rights’ groups to oppose effort to certify ‘sustainable’ aquaculture

Captive breeding of monster Amazon fish could feed people and save it from depletion

Pre-Colombian Amazonians lived in sustainable ‘urban’ society

The long-ignored ocean emergency and what can be done to address it

Fish farms are killing wild salmon in British Columbia

Agriculture is primary driver of mangrove destruction

Wal-Mart demand drives “greener” shrimp farms

How to save the world’s oceans from overfishing

Aquaculture key to seafood crisis

Summit explores how fish could feed Africa

Farming the world’s largest fish – an alternative to deforestation

Freshwater aquarium fish are important food source in many tropical countries

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