Aquaculture News

113 stories

Indonesia on track with peatland restoration, but bogged down with mangroves

Indonesia aims for sustainable fish farming with ‘aquaculture villages’

Indonesia slashes 2021 mangrove restoration target, vows to make up in 2022

Declining fish biodiversity in Peruvian Amazon affecting human nutrition

A fatal stabbing sends a Gambian fishing village into turmoil over fishmeal

At Vietnam’s southern tip, mangroves defend the land from the encroaching sea

Humanity’s construction footprint in the seas amounts to 32,000 square kilometers

Manila’s new white sand coast is a threat to marine life, groups say

Why the health of the Amazon River matters to us all: An interview with Michael Goulding

Fishing for change: Local management of Amazon’s largest fish also empowers women

Oil slick threatens Philippine mangrove forest recovering from earlier spill

The sponge with the secret recipe: A cancer-fighting chemical

Civil war didn’t hurt this Sri Lankan mangrove forest, but shrimp farming might

Gray areas and weak policies mar lucrative Asian trade in live reef fish

Move over, fishmeal: Insects and bacteria emerge as alternative animal feeds

Reviving an ancient way of aquaculture at Hawaii’s Heʻeia fishpond

Indonesian anti-graft enforcers set their sights on a new target: corporations

Catching fish to feed fish: Report details ‘unsustainable’ fishmeal and oil industry

Scientists emphasize disease control in booming aquaculture sector

Global fisheries deprive local communities of key nutrients, study finds

Having taken a toll in Chile, salmon industry arrives in Argentina

Small-scale women seaweed farmers ride the rough tides of climate change

Amid aquaculture boom, report guides investors toward sustainability

Controversial aquaculture projects threaten Myanmar’s remaining mangroves

Scientists map the impact of trawling using satellite vessel tracking

Latam Eco Review: Kissable sharks and spectacled bears

Indonesian fish farmers get early-warning system for lake pollution

One-third of global fisheries operating at biologically unsustainable levels

Pushing Vietnam’s shrimp industry toward sustainability

Mangroves and their deforestation may emit more methane than we thought

Scientists find surprising genetic differences between Brazil’s mangroves

New study finds mangroves may store way more carbon than we thought

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