Ancient civilizations News

45 stories

DNA testing proves that cocoa originated in the Amazon and reveals robust pre-Columbian trade

Sri Lanka aims to restore ancient irrigation tanks in climate change plan

Reviving an ancient way of aquaculture at Hawaii’s Heʻeia fishpond

Conserving the World’s Remaining Intact Forests (commentary)

Pre-Columbian Amazon settlement primarily ate fish — more sustainable?

Controversial park plans in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

Communities lead the way in rainforest conservation in Guatemala

Successes and many challenges in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

Lima to restore pre-Incan aqueducts to alleviate its water crisis

Discovery of ‘Lost City’ spurs conservation pledge

Drones to scan the Amazon rainforest for hidden civilizations

Giant stone face unveiled in the Amazon rainforest (video)

Egyptian art helps chart past extinctions of big mammals

A garden or a wilderness? One-fifth of the Amazon may have been savannah before the arrival of Europeans

Experts dispute recent study that claims little impact by pre-Columbian tribes in Amazon

Humans drove rainforest into savannah in ancient Africa

Evidence mounts that Maya did themselves in through deforestation

Scientists confirm ancient Egyptian knowledge: Nile crocodile is two species

Destructive farming practices of early civilization may have altered climate long before industrial era

Chocolate has been a delicacy north of Mexico for a thousand years

European conquest of the Americas may have driven global cooling

Pre-Colombian Amazonians lived in sustainable ‘urban’ society

Heavily-populated Amazon was decimated by old world disease

Ancient Amazon fires linked to human populations

Chocolate first used more than 3100 years ago

Crop domestication originated in compost piles

Failing water supply destroyed lost city of Angkor Wat

Killers of renowned anthropologist sentenced in Brazil

Peanuts, cotton, squash first farmed in Peru 6,000-10,000 years ago

Polynesians brought chickens to Americas before Columbus

Maize cultivated at least 7,300 years ago in Mexico

Amazon rainforest fires date back thousands of years

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