Agroforestry News

327 stories

Tukupu: The women of the Kariña community, guardians of Venezuela’s forests

Indigenous hunter-gatherers in Cameroon diversify food sources in the face of change

With ‘sustainable’ cocoa, Mars pushes climate, market risks onto farmers

Small coffee farmers lay their chips on smart agriculture to overcome climate crisis in the Cerrado biome

Global ecosystem restoration progress: How and who’s tracking it?

Mexican firm profits from reforestation, empowers Indigenous people

New flavor of vanilla farming aims to stop deforestation in Madagascar

Unique Indigenous Maya food system blends cropping techniques in Guatemala

Brazil’s Suzano boasts its pulpwood plantations are green; critics disagree

Conservation and food production must work in tandem, new study says

An Indigenous community in India’s Meghalaya state offers lessons in climate resilience

A ‘probiotic’ approach to agriculture is better for people and planet (commentary)

Between land and sea: Agrobiodiversity holds key to health for Melanesian tribes

Indigenous agents fight deforestation with drones and AI in Brazilian Amazon

In China, agroforestry serves up tea with a spoonful of sustainability

Inga tree points to way out of slash-and-burn for Central American farmers

Forests falling for cashew monocultures: A ‘repeated mistake’ in Côte d’Ivoire (commentary)

‘Kew Declaration’ unites experts on reforestation, aims at policymakers ahead of COP26

Mongabay’s What-To-Watch list for October 2021

For Costa Rica’s Indigenous Bribri women, agroforestry is an act of resistance and resilience

Remnant forests struggle to survive amid oil palm plantations, study shows

Shea trees are falling fast across Africa, victims of new pressures (commentary)

Oil palms alone can be damaging; with other crops, the benefits abound

Should tree plantations count toward reforestation goals? It’s complicated

Amazon, meet Amazon: Tech giant rolls out rainforest carbon offset project

Climate change threatens traditional extractive communities in the Amazon

Farmers regreen Kenya’s drylands with agroforestry and an app

Mexico devises revolutionary method to reverse semiarid land degradation

New report provides road map for expanding chestnut agroforestry in the U.S.

Spanish farmers fight forest fires with agroforestry (and many sheep)

Climate, biodiversity & farmers benefit from rubber agroforestry: report

Farmers in the Amazon could earn 9 times more and prevent ecosystem collapse

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