134 stories

How to build a Guardian: students learn about making technology work in the field

Radar returns to remote sensing through free, near-real-time global imagery

In blood-sucking leeches, scientists find a genetic snapshot of local wildlife

Where does your timber come from? Genetic analysis may soon tell you

Detecting disasters on community lands in the Amazon: film highlights indigenous struggle

Making mountains out of molehills: system builds public-access big data from many sources

Drones enable fast, accurate wildlife counts, study shows

Scientists deploy DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating in latest salvo against ivory trafficking

Powering cameras and empowering people

As nesting beaches warm, sea turtle populations are turning female–how scientists found out

Data fusion opens new horizons for remote imaging of landscapes

Crowdsourcing the fight against poaching, with the help of remote cameras

New satellite data reveals forest loss far greater than expected in Brazil Amazon

10 top conservation tech innovations from 2017

Combining computing power and people power to identify key deforestation hotspots

Know your ESA: an online resource for Endangered Species Act docs and data

Bees for trees: testing a potential tool for reducing human-elephant conflict

Portable DNA analysis tool identifies species on site to help combat wildlife crime

From rescue to research: training detection dogs for conservation

Where one predator meets another: tracking sharks and fishing effort

An early warning system for locating forest loss

Crowdsourcing the forest for the trees

New resource for planning camera trapping, acoustic monitoring, and LiDAR projects

Can technology drive conservation? Experts discuss in Mongabay forum (video)

Suite of free, open-source tools to help even non-experts monitor large-scale land use change

SMART and well-Connected: reserve patrol data system adds communications capacity

Dogs, dung, and DNA: mapping multi-species corridors to conserve threatened carnivores

USAID Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge awards Acceleration Prizes for rapid tech developments

Scientists sequence plant DNA in the field to identify species within hours

Capturing the wonder and vulnerability of coral reefs in real-time: Q & A with the director of “Chasing Coral”

Citizen scientists use mobile apps to help “green” the ocean

Rethinking camera traps for the small, fast, and elusive

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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