1781 stories

Britain is largest importer of illegal timber in EU says WWF

Salamanders feed on bat guano in cave system

Developed countries cut greenhouse gas emissions 5.9% since 1990

Solar projects in California desert could help state’s energy problems

Coral reefs decimated by 2050, Great Barrier Reef’s coral 95% dead

Australia’s freshwater ecosystems threatened by climate change

World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005

Massive climate change rocked ecosystems, animals 55 million years ago

Pictures from Peru

Brazliian environmentalist dies after self-immolation protest

Global deforestation rates fall, but area the size of Panama still disppears each year

Logging threatens Mayan ruin, forest in Guatemala

20% of the world’s mangroves lost since 1980

Climate change brought tropical forest to Wyoming

Flu pandemic “inevitable” and to cost $800 billion say World Bank, WHO

Forests of Michoacan, Mexico disappearing

Tamiflu shortage may be overcome by drug combo

Logging impact worse than thought in the Amazon

100 deadliest earthquakes since 1900; Kashmir quake ranks #11

Amazon at record low — communities isolated, commerce stalled

25% probability of 7.0 earthquake hitting San Francisco by 2025

Harvesting tornados as power plants; renewable wind vortex energy

El Salvador’s tropical storm damage worsened by deforestation

Two-headed turtle found in Havana, Cuba

Rising carbon dioxide levels could devastate marine food chain

First megatransect of Madagascar completed

20,000 new species of animals discovered in 2005

Galveston aquarium survives Hurricane Rita

What to pack for your visit to the rainforest

Bird sanctuary in Malaysia damaged by illegal logging and forest clearing

Malaysia to build palm oil biodiesel plants to counter high oil price

Galveston, Houston aquariums survive Hurricane Rita

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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