Wildtech News

598 stories

How bioacoustics can transform conservation – Wildtech event in Palo Alto

New app tracks down forest fires in Bolivia

New detection devices could record microplastic pollution levels in real time

Protected areas best conserve mammalian diversity when connected with corridors, biologged weasels show

‘No place to hide’ for illegal fishing fleets as surveillance satellites prepare for lift-off

Snow leopard population overestimated in Nepal? DNA study suggests it may be

Satellite images from Planet reveal devastating Amazon fires in near real-time

Precision conservation: High tech to the rescue in the Peruvian Amazon

Tests show multi-rotor UAVs can improve cetacean behavioral studies

Photo essay: Madagascar’s disappearing dry forests (insider)

New toolkit identifies multiple species from environmental DNA

Baby whale wears a camera, reveals its travel and nursing behavior: video

Conservation tech prize with invasive species focus announces finalists

Let there be lights, to help migratory cranes avoid power lines

Film that fish: Stereo-video speeds surveys of marine fish communities

New eDNA sampling system aims for cleaner, more efficient field research

Sponges supply DNA for new method of monitoring aquatic biodiversity

“Part of something bigger”: the social movement around New Zealand’s Predator-Free 2050 goal

New tool helps monitor forest change within commodities supply chains

Predator-free by 2050? High-tech hopes for New Zealand’s big conservation dream

Researchers and customs officials unite to fight wildlife trafficking using eDNA

Tiny tracking tags help decode how echolocating bats navigate

Underwater ultrasound scanner to support manta conservation

Earth’s hidden tree-microbe network mapped for the first time ever

Models, maps, and citizen scientists working to save the Great Barrier Reef

Hunting for rare plants in inaccessible spots: Q&A with drone pilot Ben Nyberg

Counting on eDNA for a faster, easier way to count coral

‘Landscape of fearlessness’: bushbuck emboldened following top-predator decline in Mozambique

Changing energy use in rural Africa with power from solar, clean stoves…and women

Drone rediscovers Hawaiian flower thought to be extinct

Mobile app encourages Indian fishers to free entangled whale sharks

Creating a high-tech island to save one of the world’s rarest birds

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