Videos News

214 stories

New population of rare Dryas monkey videotaped for the first time

Watch video of baby slow loris born to mother rescued from wildlife traffickers

Video: Endangered baby tapir plays with his father

Video: Critically Endangered monkey ‘chatters’ for camera

New short film urges world to ‘stop the burning’

Video: Rare Amur tigress with 3 cubs caught on camera

Video: camera traps highlight wildlife diversity of ‘forgotten’ park

Video: Vet describes emotional toll of responding to brutal rhino poaching

Videos reveal rare birds, wild monkeys, and jaguar family in oil-exploited park

Tapping into evolutionary responses to guard crops against elephants

Featured video: the Uncharted Amazon trailer

Featured video: ‘A river in dispute’ documentary explores how a planned dam in the Amazon is affecting traditional communities

Video: innovative tourism helps protect forests in Amazonian Peru

Videos: new film series highlights bringing Gorongosa back to life

Video: camera trap catches jaguar hunting peccaries

Video: clouded leopards and elephants grace drowned forest in Thailand

Video: global carbon dispersal looks like an impressionistic painting in motion

Featured video: new documentary highlights ‘Sumatra Burning’

Camera traps capture rare footage of wild bonobos (video)

New film highlights local resistance to Nicaragua’s canal

Giant stone face unveiled in the Amazon rainforest (video)

What we can learn from uncontacted rainforest tribes

Chief Curiosity Correspondent tackles sexism, aids conservation

Featured video: new Netflix documentary highlights the work of Sylvia Earle to save the oceans

Challenging the ‘tragedy of the commons’: new documentary explores how humans and nature can coexist (VIDEO)

Featured video: new documentary highlights the Long March to save the Sundarbans

Featured video: What would you change in conservation?

Camera trap captures first ever video of rarely-seen bird in the Amazon…and much more

Camera trap catches rare feline attempting to tackle armored prey (VIDEO)

Featured video: John Oliver skewers media ‘balance’ on climate science in viral video

Featured video: elephant advocates ask Antiques Roadshow to stop appraising ivory

Featured video: Showtime releases first episode of major new climate change series online

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