Vaquita News

34 stories

Concern for Mexico’s vaquita as totoaba swim bladder trafficking surges online

U.S. says Mexico failed to uphold international treaty protecting vaquita porpoise

Experts fear end of vaquitas after green light for export of captive-bred totoaba fish

‘Mismanaged to death’: Mexico opens up sole vaquita habitat to fishing

In the fight to save the vaquita, conservationists take on cartels

COVID-19 forces Sea Shepherd to suspend patrols to protect last vaquitas

Nearly extinct vaquita mothers with calves spotted in recent expeditions

Vaquita habitat now listed as ‘World Heritage in Danger’

Chinese nationals arrested in US after smuggling totoaba swim bladders worth $3.7 million from Mexico

Suspected totoaba poachers shot by authorities in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez

Vaquita still doomed without further disruption of totoaba cartels (commentary)

China seizes totoaba swim bladders worth $26 million, arrests 16

Latam Eco Review: Whale attacks, palm oil woes, and hope for vaquitas

Investigation reveals illegal trade cartels decimating vaquita porpoises

And then there were 12: Why don’t we hear about extinction until it’s too late? (commentary)

More than 800 totoaba swim bladders confiscated by Mexican authorities in smuggling busts

NOAA publishes global list of fisheries and their risks to marine mammals

Only 12 vaquita porpoises remain, watchdog group reports

Breeding-age female vaquita dies after being taken into captivity

Recent report: Totoaba trafficking a conservation and security problem

First vaquita ‘rescued’ in bid to save the porpoise from extinction

Mexico takes ‘unprecedented’ action to save vaquita

Leonardo DiCaprio teams up with Mexico’s president and wealthiest individual to save the vaquita

Vaquita survival hinges on stopping international swim bladder trade

How acoustic monitoring gave us a last chance to save the vaquita

There are now just 30 vaquita left in the wild

Scientists say current plan to protect the vaquita will not save the species

Mexico bans gillnets to protect rare vaquita porpoise

Only 60 vaquita porpoises remain in the world

The vaquita could go extinct this year as totoaba poaching continues to increase

‘Aquatic cocaine’: Illegal trade in swim bladders of rare fish puts world’s rarest porpoise at risk of extinction

Vaquita porpoises down to ‘way less than 100,’ Mexican agents shoot fisherman while enforcing new protected area

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