Uzbekistan News

13 stories

Uzbekistan plants a forest where a sea once lay

Blue jeans: An iconic fashion item that’s costing the planet dearly

Range countries to lead new estimate of global snow leopard population as downgraded threat status remains controversial

Snow leopards no longer ‘endangered,’ but still in decline and in need of urgent conservation measures

Is the snow leopard actually 3 distinct subspecies?

The Spirit of the Steppes: Saving Central Asia’s saiga

Understanding the ghost of the mountain

Snow leopards and other mammals caught on camera trap in Uzbekistan (photos)

New eco-tour to help save bizarre antelope in ‘forgotten’ region

Photos: world’s top ten ‘lost frogs’

After declining 95% in 15 years, Saiga antelope begins to rebound with help from conservationists

Apple’s Snow Leopard helps real-life cats

How to Save Snow Leopards

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