Turkey News

23 stories

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

Indonesia invites Turkish investors to develop tuna farms in Papua

As climate change hits the Turkish coast, more marine reserves are needed (commentary)

Meet the 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

The EU banned Russian wood pellet imports; South Korea took them all

Protecting global forests with a limited budget? New study shows where and when to start

Turkey’s authoritarian development ignores planetary boundaries

Holy loach! Fish missing for decades rediscovered in Turkey’s Batman River

As the rest of world tackles plastics disposal, the U.S. resists

Report: Turkish carrier is ‘poacher’s airline of choice’ for parrot trade

Turkey’s wild bears migrate for food; but some bears prefer garbage dumps

Turkish government bears down on rural resistance to mining and hydro projects

New solidarity in struggle to protect Turkey’s ‘life spaces’

Featured documentary: Damocracy, highlighting the battles over the Belo Monte and Ilisu dams

Iraqi who is bringing back the Garden of Eden wins top environment award

Scientist: releasing invasive birds in Turkey to eat ticks will backfire

China and India plan 818 new coal plants

Turkey’s rich biodiversity at risk

Top forest policies recognized

Organizations unite against plan to open Turkey’s protected areas to development

Dirt road converted into artificial island for birds in Eastern Turkey

Turkey ignores bluefin tuna quotas, further imperiling critically-endangered species

12 fish species go extinct in lake near Istanbul

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