Soy News

435 stories

Only a few ‘rotten apples’ causing most illegal Brazil deforestation: Study

‘On the edge’: Endangered forest cleared for marijuana in Paraguay

Brazil bows to pressure from business, decrees 120-day Amazon fire ban

World’s biggest trade deal in trouble over EU anger at Brazil deforestation

China and EU appetite for soy drives Brazilian deforestation, climate change: Study

New data show world lost a Switzerland-size area of primary rainforest in 2019

Soy made the Cerrado a breadbasket; climate change may end that

‘We are invisible’: Brazilian Cerrado quilombos fight for land and lives

Tax exemptions on pesticides in Brazil add up to US$ 2.2 billion per year

Conservationists urge reforms in Bolivia after environmental, political crises

Brazil sets record for highly hazardous pesticide consumption: Report

Conservationists cautiously optimistic after Bolivian government changes hands

Versace, Amazon, Samsonite among companies listed as deforestation ‘laggards’

A bloody January for Brazil’s indigenous Kaiowá spotlights persecution

Bolivia and Paraguay unite to protect critically endangered guanacos

Amazon Tipping Point puts Brazil’s agribusiness, energy sector at risk: Top scientists

Investors drop demands after Tyson Foods commits to no deforestation

Brazilian meat giant JBS expands its reach in China

Making a thriller out of Belo Monte hydro dam: Q&A with filmmaker Sabrina McCormick

Private firms will pay soy farmers not to deforest Brazil’s Cerrado

Cerrado in crisis: One Brazilian farm family commits to sustainable soy

Bolsonaro sends Congress bill to open indigenous lands to mining, fossil fuels

Use it, don’t lose it: Q&A with Amazon eco scientist Marcelino Guedes

A national park takes shape in Argentina as the forest disappears

Belo Monte boondoggle: Brazil’s biggest, costliest dam may be unviable

A new dawn: The story of deforestation in the next decade must be different to the last (commentary)

Communities in Brazilian Cerrado besieged by global demand for soy

2019: The year rainforests burned

Amazon’s Mura indigenous group demands input over giant mining project

Mega-mining project slated for Brazilian Amazon sparks controversy

EU/Chinese soy consumption linked to species impacts in Brazilian Cerrado: study

Antonio Donato Nobre: “The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

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