Secondary forests News

28 stories

Freeing trees of their liana load can boost carbon sequestration in tropical forests

Oil palm and balsa plantations trigger deforestation in Ecuadorian Amazon

Young forests can help heal tropical aquatic ecosystems: Study

Remnant forests struggle to survive amid oil palm plantations, study shows

Forest restoration, not just halting deforestation, vital to Amazon

For Mexico’s forgotten cloud forests, sustainability and protection are key

Carbon uptake slower than expected in Amazon secondary forest: Study

Brazil to receive first-ever results-based REDD+ payment, but concerns remain

New study finds young forests have a huge climate impact

Secondary forests in Costa Rica are re-cleared within decades

Fire fundamentally alters carbon dynamics in the Amazon

Scientists urge greater protection of Brazil’s secondary forests

The diversity of biodiversity: Connecting shrews, ants and slime molds with carbon storage

Bornean bantengs feeling the heat in logged forests, study finds

Sarawak makes 80% forest preservation commitment, but some have doubts

Oil palm, rubber could trigger ‘storm’ of deforestation in the Congo Basin

Bornean bearded pigs seen adapting to oil palm habitats, study finds

Estonia’s trees: Valued resource or squandered second chance?

Orangutans find home in degraded forests

Secondary forests offer big opportunity to fight global warming

Regrown rainforests degrade after farm-fallow cycles take hold

Protecting rainforests could sequester equivalent of a third of global emissions annually

Leftover trees enhance the biodiversity of new forests

The next best thing: how well do secondary forests preserve biodiversity?

Tree islands more effective way to replant the world’s forests

Still hope for tropical biodiversity in human modified landscapes

Rodents have lowest diversity in primary forests in the Congo

Tink frog calls allow researchers to measure population

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