Savannas News

145 stories

Can cattle and wildlife co-exist in the Maasai Mara? A controversial study says yes

Study warns that loosened legislation is driving deforestation in Bahia’s Cerrado

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

Eucalyptus expansion worsens droughts and fires in Brazil’s Cerrado, conservationists say

Pantanal’s intense blazes stoke fears of another destructive fire season

Rewilding efforts throw a lifeline to Brazil’s most trafficked endangered bird

Deforestation from soy shows no sign of stopping in Cerrado, report says

Forest diversity is key to Southeast Asia’s climate adaptability, study shows

2023 fires increase fivefold in Indonesia amid El Niño

Keeping herbivores at bay helps in early stages of restoration, studies show

Do tree-planting projects on grasslands increase fire risk?

The Amazon’s archaeology of hope: Q&A with anthropologist Michael Heckenberger

Revealed: Why the UN is not climate neutral

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

Counterintuitive conservation: Fire boosts aquatic crustaceans in U.S. savannas

Study attempts to foresee the future of Amazonian mammals if the rainforest turns into savanna

In Brazil, scientists fight an uphill battle to restore the disappearing Cerrado savanna

Carbon credits from award-winning Kenyan offset suspended by Verra

Scientists map nearly 10 billion trees, stored carbon, in Africa’s drylands

Lula wants to mirror Amazon’s lessons in all biomes, but challenges await

Counterintuitive: Large wild herbivores may help slow climate change

‘Amazing first step’ as EU law cracks down on deforestation-linked imports

Growing soy on cattle pasture can eliminate Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Habitat loss, climate change send hyacinth macaw reeling back into endangered status

‘Lost’ Amazonian cities hint at how to build urban landscapes without harming nature

Stamping out savanna fires doesn’t bolster carbon sink by much, study finds

In plan for African wildlife corridors, there’s more than one elephant in the room

Pay or punish? Study looks at how to engage with farmers deforesting the Cerrado

Is a European proposal on imported deforestation too punitive? (commentary)

As its end looms, Cerrado tracker records 6-year deforestation high

Getting African grasslands right, for people and wildlife alike: Q&A with Susanne Vetter

In Guinea, an illegal $6b gold ‘bonanza’ threatens endangered chimpanzees

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