Resource conflict News

162 stories

Proximity to towns stretches giraffe home ranges

Indigenous hunters vital to robust food webs in Australia

In the Solomon Islands, making amends in the name of conservation

Wildlife rangers in DRC park report waning motivation, job satisfaction

Have a good cry, but don’t miss deadline (insider)

The ongoing trade in conflict timber (commentary)

Scientists, conservationists: Give Nobel Peace Prize to Jane Goodall

Deal in sight for PNG landowners protesting Exxon-led gas project

Indonesia’s land swap program puts communities, companies in a bind

Papua New Guinea landowners take up arms against natural gas project

How Colombia became Latin America’s palm oil powerhouse

Study puts a figure to hidden cost of community-company conflict in palm oil industry

Ire and ore: Demands grow for clarity around Cambodian gold mine

Sumatra’s ‘tiger descendants’ cling to their customs as coal mines encroach

Indonesia to strengthen environmental impact assessments through process review

Colombian pipeline bombed hours after end to ceasefire

Chocó at epicenter of Colombia’s social, environmental conflicts

Water sources under threat from mining in Ecuador’s mountains

$100 million dollar fund launched to secure indigenous land rights

Philippine palm oil plan ‘equals corruption and land-grabbing,’ critics say

Environmental costs, benefits and possibilities: Q&A with anthropologist Eben Kirksey

Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas boom – blessing or curse?

Killing of Guatemalan activist in the Maya Biosphere Reserve raises alarm

Abuse, displacement, pollution: the legacy of Zimbabwe’s Marange diamonds

India has most cases of social and environmental conflict, according to environmental justice atlas

How locals and conservationists saved the elephants of Mali amidst conflict and poverty

Community’s push to clear forest for plantation challenges efforts to conserve in Indonesia

Investors beware: global land grabbing ends in ‘financial damage’ and human rights violations

Over 700 people killed defending forest and land rights in past ten years

South Sudan’s choice: resource curse or wild wonder?

Scientists urge Papua New Guinea to declare moratorium on massive forest clearing

5 million hectares of Papua New Guinea forests handed to foreign corporations

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