Rainforests News

7253 stories

Paper giant APP failing its own sustainability goals, report alleges

A good year for the Philippine eagle in 2020, but not for its supporters

Colombian and Ecuadorian Indigenous communities live in fear as drug traffickers invade

Lack of protection leaves Spain-size swath of Brazilian Amazon up for grabs

Cocaine production driving deforestation into Colombian national park

For Latin America’s environmental defenders, Escazú Agreement is a voice and a shield

Historical data point to ‘imminent extinction’ of Tapanuli orangutan

Canopy beetles and flowering trees rely on each other in the Amazon, study

For Sumatran elephant conservation, involvement of local people is key (commentary)

Indonesia renews peat restoration bid to include mangroves, but hurdles abound

Rainforests: 11 things to watch in 2021

Top positive environmental stories from 2020

Top environment stories from Madagascar in 2020

Geography on the plate: The culinary rediscovery of Colombia’s biodiversity

Illegal deforestation rises in South America’s Indigenous territories, parks

Indonesia’s five most consequential environmental stories of 2020

How the pandemic impacted rainforests in 2020: a year in review

Weak policy oversight could be pushing Brazilian forests closer to a tipping point

Top Indonesian palm oil developments in 2020

‘Devastating’ fires engulf Brazilian Pantanal wetlands – again

Traditional and Indigenous peoples ‘denounce’ planned Amazon railway

Being realistic about coal mine rehabilitation in Indonesia: An ecological perspective

Soy moratorium averted New Jersey-size loss of Amazon rainforest: Study

Songbird trade in Indonesia threatens wild Sunda laughingthrush

Ribeirinhos win right to waterside Amazon homeland lost to Belo Monte dam

Critical temperature threshold spells shorter lives for tropical trees

A Madagascar forest long protected by its remoteness is now threatened by it

Historical analysis: The Amazon’s mineral wealth — curse or blessing?

Poor governance fuels ‘horrible dynamic’ of deforestation in DRC

Indonesia’s biofuel bid threatens more deforestation for oil palm plantations

Peruvian court absolves cacao company of illegal Amazon deforestation after “lobbying effort”

Brazilian woman threatened by Amazon loggers wins global human rights award

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