Rainforests News

7257 stories

Amazon’s Belo Monte dam cuts Xingu River flow 85%; a crime, Indigenous say

A million hectares of Papuan forest licensed for clearing, report shows

Indigenous rights take a hit under cover of pandemic, new report says

Colombia’s national parks at a crossroads as new director installed

The Possible Meat: A Brazilian farmer shows ranching can regenerate the Cerrado

Review finds palm oil firm Golden Veroleum cleared carbon-rich Liberian forests

The singing apes of Sumatra need rescuing, too (commentary)

We can now see through clouds to detect deforestation in near real-time

Over half of global environmental defender murders in 2020 in Colombia: report

‘We attack,’ Indonesia declares in joint bid with Malaysia to shield palm oil

Reforested areas rival mature forests in securing water, study finds

Papua deforestation highlights eastward shift of Indonesia forest clearing

An economic case for competing in the XPRIZE Rainforest contest (commentary)

Forest patches amid agriculture are key to orangutan survival: Study

‘A disgrace’: Luxury housing plans threaten Cambodia’s Bokor National Park

We’re killing those tropical trees we’re counting on to absorb carbon dioxide

As Amazon forest-to-savanna tipping point looms, solutions remain elusive

Madagascar: Young farmers adopt new methods to help lemurs, forests and themselves

U.N. report lays out blueprint to end ‘suicidal war on nature’

In Malaysian Borneo’s rainforests, powerful state governments set their own rules

Indonesian police may probe coal miners over deforestation-linked floods

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

Indigenous community wins recognition of its land rights in Panama

European public roundly rejects Brazil trade deal unless Amazon protected

As forests shrink, mammals are stressed out— with possible fallout for humans

Southeast Asian wild pigs confront deadly African swine fever epidemic

Indonesia’s top palm oil deforesters are the usual shady suspects: Report

Teachers create lasting change for people and primates via clean cookstoves (commentary)

Fruit-eating, seed-pooping animals can help restore degraded forests

As nature declines, so does human quality of life, study finds

Indonesia to push for mine rehab, reforestation after deadly floods

Brazil timber imports ‘may have breached US flooring giant’s probation’

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