Rainforests News

7339 stories

Revealed: Biomass firm poised to clear Bornean rainforest for dubious ‘green’ energy

Rural-urban migration across the Amazon Basin

Forests and the Fate of Civilizations: A Conversation with John Perlin

Deforestation remains low, but fires surge in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest

NGOs push EU to label Sarawak as ‘high risk’ source of timber, palm oil

The life and legacy of Ryan Killackey, the filmmaker who rallied international support for Yasuni (Obituary)

Congo looks to monetize its high-integrity forests

‘Indigenous women in the Amazon must be empowered’: Interview with Nemonte Nenquimo

EU considers postponing anti-deforestation law as pressure from agribusiness mounts

Cost-benefit analysis exposes ‘bogus’ promises of palm oil riches for Papuans

Across reforestation organizations, best practices claims abound, but details are scarce

The Amazon is ablaze again. What it means for us (commentary)

Brazil’s race to approve the end of the Amazon: The BR-319 highway needs a new environmental impact assessment (commentary)

Police murder Guarani man as Brazil struggles with Indigenous land demarcation

US consumers may be exposed to deforestation-linked palm oil via dairy: Report

New approach to land management in Africa aims to climate-proof ecosystems

As logging intensifies forest fires, Wet’suwet’en fight to protect old growth

Brazil’s BR-319 highway disaster: Yet another maneuver (commentary)

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

Sierra Leone group helps farmers adapt to changing climate, protect forest

Honduras taps armed forces to eliminate deforestation by 2029. Will it work?

Clearest picture yet of Amazon carbon density could help guide conservation

Cambodian carbon credit project hit by rights abuse claims is reinstated

Wildlife busts in Malaysia’s Taman Negara show progress, and gaps, in enforcement

For Indonesian oil palm farmers, EU’s deforestation law is another top-down imposition

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Protected areas in SE Asia could do better with more resources, study finds

A one-time illegal logger grows back a forest for his people in Sumatra

In the Brazilian Amazon, seedlings offer hope for drying rivers

Could the ‘rights of nature’ save Yasuní and keep its oil in the ground? (commentary)

Indigenous communities sidelined for Suriname’s new carbon credit program, critics say

One year after oil referendum, what’s next for Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park?

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